Thursday, September 17, 2009

KT Innovation Framework

Innovation Health Check: Assessing Your Organization’s Capacity for Breakthrough Thinking
by Alan P. Brache, Executive Director, Business Solutions
Kepner-Tregoe, Inc.

Diagnose your organization’s innovation environment. By looking at nine key factors, you can diagnose how your organization supports or hinders innovation. Your organization’s capacity for breakthrough thinking is influenced by your strategy, business processes, structure and other variables. By examining these and other key areas, you have the equivalent of a comprehensive physical exam that focuses on your innovation health.
Read this article

Reducing Project Complexity: From Overload to Productivity
A KT white paper

Overload has become a way of life as firms struggle to manage a barrage of projects in an attempt to meet increasing marketplace demands. All too often, that overload leads to project paralysis. What are the symptoms of project proliferation? This KT white paper describes the situation in many organizations that inevitably leads to poor project performance and provides a six-step program for managing project complexity and creating a focused project portfolio.
Read this white paper

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